Buying gadgets for myself is one of the temptations I indulge in, at least once a year. It comes with its own share of excitement and adventure. My last purchase was the Samsung Galaxy Tab, which was my first Android device. Having played around with various versions right from Froyo to Jelly Bean (on cyanogen mod), on a 7 inch display, I felt the need for a more pocket friendly companion, considering that the phone I used was a modest Samsung Star which was close to three years old. So, after a couple of weeks of deliberation, I got myself a Samsung Galaxy Nexus.
And I must say I'm more than impressed by the gizmo. The lure of an unadulterated Android experience, which biased my decision towards it, was well worth it. Though it was launched close to a year back, it's still way ahead of most of the smartphones available today. The icing on the cake is that major updates to the OS will be available on the Nexus without the need to root the system.
I have been getting mixed reactions from friends over the past week, ranging from "Too big" to "Amazing choice". Personally though, the most evident change has been my constant check-ins on Foursquare. Scary habit that. On the plus side, last week saw the revival of this blog, and my frequent engagement with Twitter, both of which are credited to the new member of the family. Cheers to that!
And I must say I'm more than impressed by the gizmo. The lure of an unadulterated Android experience, which biased my decision towards it, was well worth it. Though it was launched close to a year back, it's still way ahead of most of the smartphones available today. The icing on the cake is that major updates to the OS will be available on the Nexus without the need to root the system.
I have been getting mixed reactions from friends over the past week, ranging from "Too big" to "Amazing choice". Personally though, the most evident change has been my constant check-ins on Foursquare. Scary habit that. On the plus side, last week saw the revival of this blog, and my frequent engagement with Twitter, both of which are credited to the new member of the family. Cheers to that!